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Web Science/Part1: Foundations of the web/Internet Protocol

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Internet Protocol

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Unità associate

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  1. get introduced to the concept of an IP-network
  2. understand that networks can be interconnected
  3. learn about the importance for decentralization as a design principle
  4. realize that Local area networks can be fragmented via IP networks
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  • understand that an IP network as an overlay network is an abstract thing that is not directly reflecting the hardware settings
  • understand the notion of an IPv4 address and its components like network and host part
  • understand why MAC addresses do not fulfill the requirements of IP addresses.
  • get introduced to the notion of an IP router / gateway
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  • review the definition and concept of an IP network
  • understand that IP routing works on the level of IP networks
  • understand the concept of subnetting
  • review network classes and understand classless inter domain routing.
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  • get a feeling for the IP header
  • get a better understanding of how the protocol works
  • understand which header fields are changed while routing
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    Ulteriori letture

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    In generale puoi usare il bottone di modifica nell'angolo alto in a destra di una sezione per modificarne il contenuto.
