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Utente:Erkan Yilmaz

Da Wikiversità, l'apprendimento libero.
domenica, gennaio 26 2025, 16:27 (UTC)
Erkan Yilmaz
e-mail WIKI-Blog

coinvolti i progetti wiki / involved wiki projects

Wikimedia progetto Inglese Tedesco
Wikiversità Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War
(Tucidide - Guerra del Peloponneso)
course: "Peloponnesian War"
(Der Peloponnesische Krieg)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
(by Luo Guanzhong)
Die Geschichte der Drei Reiche
(von Luo Guanzhong)
Composing free and open
online educational resources

alcune statistiche Wikiversità / some Wikiversity statistics

tempo utenti pagine articles files Amministratori total
software version
2007-set-04, 16:13 (UTC) 352 3.381 216 27 7 1.11alpha (r25379)
2007-set-30, 19:36 (UTC) 407 3.511 224 30 7 19.642 1.12alpha (r26224)
2007-nov-01, 09:17 (UTC) 475 3.684 244 32 6 21.138 1.12alpha (r26409)
2007-dic-01, 08:37 (UTC) 537 3.852 265 35 6 22.099 1.12alpha (r27992)
2008-gen-04, 00:12 (UTC) 595 4.007 293 38 8 23.439 1.12alpha (r29133)
2008-feb-01, 16:24 (UTC) 651 4.337 421 40 8 25.306 1.12alpha (r30359)
2008-feb-27, 23:10 (UTC) 714 4.705 530 53 8 27.809 1.13alpha (r31357)
2008-mar-29, 22:44 (UTC) 789 4.863 542 57 8 28.745 1.13alpha (r32485)
2008-mag-01, 09:39 (UTC) 849 5.041 560 68 5 29.875 1.13alpha (r34064)
2008-giu-01, 04:46 (UTC) 958 5.180 583 74 5 30.891 1.13alpha (r35667)
2008-lug-08, 18:48 (UTC) 1.137 5.403 585 76 5 32.354 1.13alpha (r37290)
2008-ago-03, 17:00 (UTC) 1.205 5.490 590 86 5 32.960 1.14alpha (r38389)
2008-set-06, 16:24 (UTC) 1.351 5.661 590 86 5 34.081 1.14alpha (r40356)
2010-mar-19, 09:57 (UTC) 4.201 8.357 860 358 3 55.713 1.16alpha-wmf(r59858)
2025-gen-26, 16:27 (UTC) 44 992 28 072 5 299 10 1 277 398 1.44.0-wmf.13 (ab7da13)

altri Wikiversità / other Wikiversities


earliest known written evidence (please update with source, if you find earlier data):

Wikiversità data dove ?
en.WV 2003 August Wikibooks
de.WV 2004 September meta (Wikibooks 2005 February)
it.WV 2004 November Wikibooks (meta 2006 September)
es.WV 2004 November Wikibooks
fr.WV 2005 January Wikibooks
(request on 2006 August)
beta 2006 August betawikiversity
el.WV 2007 July meta

alcune meccanismi di apprendimento / some learning mechanisms

Tedesco Inglese Francese
Gewöhnung / Habituation habituation habituation
klassische Konditionierung classical conditioning conditionnement classique
operante Konditionierung operant conditioning conditionnement opérant
Spielverhalten exploring / game explorer / jeu
Nachahmung -> Lernen d. Beobachtungen imitation -> learning by observing imitation -> apprendre par observations
Neukombiniertes Verhalten -> Lernen durch Einsicht recombinant behavior -> cognitive learning comportement nouveau combiné -> cognitif apprentissage
Prägung imprinting empreinte
Tradition tradition tradition

su di me / about me


I am working in the IT business in quality management.
The first wiki article I wrote, was kind of much work. I thought at beginning it would take just 30 mins. I had everything prepared in notepad, but there has to be considered many things when writing a wiki article. And then when I reached the neutrality point, I realized, what I wrote unconsciously in the article. So, lots of work at first, but now with time I get faster :-)

Do you think you can not change something in the world?
It is so simple, just remember:
if you help someone, this can cause a chain reaction.
If everyone, who gets help, helps 3 other people we can change something/quality (not only for software) in the world.

just an example:
Muhammad Yunus had a small, easy idea, which helped to change the world.

We can do the same.
What is wrong being part of this movement NOW ?
Just do it!