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Questa è la pagina di documentazione per Modulo:Mooc/IndexParser

 This module is part of the MOOC interface.

The index parser is a central script of the MOOC module. It parses the MOOC index and creates a Lua object holding the single MOOC items along with their meta data stored in the index.

Instance functions


parseIndexOverview(indexPlain, rootPath)


Parses the MOOC index and extracts the MOOC root item in order to display an overview page.


  1. String indexPlain: MOOC index content
  2. String rootPath: title of the MOOC index page


  • Table table t with
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.item: MOOC root item

parseIndex(indexPlain, itemPath, rootPath)


Parses the MOOC index and extracts the MOOC item you are searching for (aka. target item).


  1. String indexPlain: MOOC index content
  2. String itemPath: path of the target item
  3. String rootPath: title of the MOOC index page


  • Table table t with
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.navigation: MOOC root item
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.item: target item itself (may be nil if the item was not found)
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.parent: direct parent of the target item
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.previous: item preceding the target item (may be nil if first item in its context)
    • Mooc/Data/Item item following the target item (may be nil if last item in its context)

Local functions




Splits a text into its single lines.


  1. String stringValue: String that will be splitted up into single lines


  • Table<String> table containing the single lines



Splits an item path into its single parts.


  1. String itemPath: item path with its single parts separated by /


  1. String item name (last part of the path)
  2. Table<String>table containing the single parts



Calculates the level of an item according to the number of heading symbols = in it's header line.

 Q: This is a copy of Mooc/Data/Item.getLevel, why don't we use it?


  1. String itemHeaderLine: header line of the item


  • int item's level if the line is an item header
  • int zero otherwise

isItem(header, itemName, itemType)


Checks if a header represents a certain item you search for.


  1. Mooc/Data/Item.Header header: header of an item
  2. String itemName: name of the item searched for
  3. String itemType: type of the item searched for


  • true if the header is the item searched for
  • false otherwise

loadParam(textLines, iParamStart)


Loads a parameter (aka. meta data entry) from the index.


  1. Table<String> textLines: MOOC index lines
  2. int iParamStart: index of the (first) line the parameter declaration occupies


  • Table table t with
    • String parameter key
    • String t.value: parameter value
    • int t.iEnd: last line the parameter declaration occupies
  • nil if the line did not contain a parameter (or is malformed)

loadParams(textLines, iItemStart)


Loads all parameters of an item.


  1. Table<String> textLines: MOOC index lines
  2. int iItemStart: index of the (first) line the item occupies


  1. Table<String, String> table containing the parameter values loaded from the index, accessible using the parameter key
  2. int index of the last line the item occupies

extractItem(textLines, iItemStart, parent, maxLevel, section)


Extracts a MOOC item from the index including its meta data and all children up to the maximum level defined.


  1. Table<String> textLines: MOOC index lines
  2. int iItemStart: index of the (first) line the item occupies
  3. Mooc/Data/Item parent: parental MOOC item
  4. int maxLevel: maximum item level that will be extracted, children at deeper level will be ignored
  5. int section: section number of the previous item


  1. Mooc/Data/Item item object extracted from the index
  2. int index of the last line the item occupies
  3. int highest section number in use

extractIndex(baseItem, searchPath, searchLevel)


Extract the item objects related to a certain MOOC item you are searching for (aka. target item).


  1. Mooc/Data/Item baseItem: any parental item of the target item
  2. String searchPath: path of the target item
  3. int searchLevel: current item level searching at


  • Table table t with
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.item: target item itself (may be nil if the item was not found)
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.parent: direct parent of the target item
    • Mooc/Data/Item t.previous: item preceding the target item (may be nil if first item in its context)
    • Mooc/Data/Item item following the target item (may be nil if last item in its context)