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Discussione:Certificato Creative Commons

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Ultimo commento: 3 anni fa, lasciato da Iopensa in merito all'argomento Crediti e attribuzione

Crediti e attribuzione


"Creative Commons Certificate - versione italiana" is an adaptation of the Creative Commons Certificate published as of April 2019 here. (The "Original Work"), licensed by Creative Commons under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This adaptation is made and published by METID - Politecnico di Milano (the "Adapter") under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The Adapter modified the Original Work in the following respects: translated the materials from English to Italian; translated paragraph about “diritto d'autore”, Italian Copyright law ("the Adapted Work"), written by Deborah De Angelis, Italian Copyright Lawyer, Chapter Lead and Representative to the Global Network Council, with the collaboration of Laura Sinigaglia, contributor for the CC Italy Chapter. Using the Original Work or the Adapted Work does not mean the individual doing so has earned a CC Certificate, nor may any organization or individual offer a "CC Certificate." Note that the trademarks of Creative Commons and the Adapter are the property of their owners and require permission to reuse. Anyone who wants to take the CC Certificate is welcome to register here:

Nell'ambito dell'edizione settembre-dicembre 2021 stanno partecipando al corso un gruppi di soci, volontari e dipendenti di Wikimedia Italia e in questo contesto si sta procedendo al caricamento della documentazione su Wikiversità e dell'aggiornamento delle voci di Wikipedia correlate. : Qui le mie note sull'unità. iopensa (Discussione) 10:44, 11 feb 2022 (CET)Rispondi