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Dipartimento:Wikiversità/Promozione/Proposta di finanziamento rapido

Da Wikiversità, l'apprendimento libero.

You're about to create a new Rapid Grant application! Step 1. Fill out the probox In the first section of the application you will be asked to input basic information about you and your project. The format in this section will look like this: <!-- Please add your username. --> |grantee= Please note, the words between "<!-- -->" are instructions and they will not appear in your final application. Step 2. Choose your project goals The application lists a few goals that are common for each type of project. You can add additional goals and delete the goals that do not apply to your project. Step 3. Tell us about your project plan The activities section of the application includes several questions for you to answer so that we can learn more about your project plan. If a question does not seem relevant to your project, tell us why. Step 4. Impact We would like to know what outcomes you think will come from this project. The application includes a list of metrics that are often tracked for similar projects. For each metric, please provide an estimate for what you hope to achieve if your project is successful. Step 5. Resources Use the resources section to tell us about the resources you already have (i.e. the project organizing team, partners, other funding) and the resources you need. You can create a budget table or make a bulleted list of each project expense and the total amount of funding you are requesting. Step 6. Endorsements This is a space where community members are encouraged to endorse your project request. Get tips for notifying your community here. Step 7. Submit the application Press Save page to create a draft of your application. When you are ready to submit the application, change the status in the probox to 'Open' and send an email Notes: Although English is the preferred language for applications, you are welcome to submit yours in any language. Links to blog posts, slides, etc in other languages are also welcome. Words between "<!-- -->" in the edit window are instructions for how to fill out the application. They will not show up on your saved page.

it.Wikiversity/NOME PROPOSTA
Vogliamo promuovere it.wikiversity con vari mezzi principalmente tramite il servizio pubblicitario di Facebook e depliant


Project Goal


Briefly explain what are you trying to accomplish with this project, or what do you expect will change as a result of this grant. Example goals include, "recruit new editors", "add high quality content", or "train existing editors on a specific skill".

This financing's purposes are:
  • increasing the number of Wikiversity's editors,
  • increasing the project's popularity reaching a larger number of readers, who could even become editors
  • increasing the project's popularity even in the schools, in order to allow school classes to participate and make it.Wikiversity's contents better.

We expect to get a larger number of views and editors of the site, thus increasing the quality of it.Wikiversity.

Project Plan




Tell us how you'll carry out your project. What will you and other organizers spend your time doing?

We'll carry on the project by trying to make as many people as possible aware of it.Wikiversity through various activities, among which the promotion through Facebook's advertising service, and by spreading many leaflets to different places of Italy (that is to say, in the zones surrounding the residencies of the users who accept to do it as volunteers). Moreover, we are going to deal with the welcoming of new users and with their assistance, if needed (it:v:Wikiversità:Progetto aiuto and for the welcoming it:v:Aiuto:Tour guidato have been created for this purpose). We shall spend our time both promoting Wikiversity and welcoming new users, in addition to classifying the various specific areas where they could immediately create new lessons.

How will you let others in your community know about your project (please provide links to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions)? Why are you targeting a specific audience?

I made the proposal after a community's discussion here

What will you have done at the end of your project? How will you follow-up with people that are involved with your project?

At the end of this project we will go on with promotional activities. We're also trying to take up meetings in schools and with it the success of this project will be decisive, along with the help from Wikimedia Italia. At the end of the project, regardless of other factors, we will try to develop new enterprises in order to make our contents better and increase the number of active users.



How will you know if the project is successful and you've met your goals? Please include the following targets and feel free to add more specific to your project:

  1. Number of total participants
  2. Number of articles created or improved (if applicable)
  3. Number of photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (if applicable)
  4. Number of photos used on Wikimedia projects (if applicable)

We will be sure that the project is successful if

  1. it.wikiversity's Facebook page will get 300 o more likes
  2. There will be at least 5 new editors of it.wikiversity
  3. There will be at least 30 lessons in ns0 created by new users
  4. Schools will be more interested in it.wikiversity



What resources do you have? Include information on who is organizing the project, what they will do, and if you will receive support from anywhere else (in-kind donations or additional funding).

What resources do you need? For your funding request, list bullet points for each expense:

  • $1530 for advertise on Facebook,
  • $447 for dépliant.

