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Bibliografia tecnico scientifica

Da Wikiversità, l'apprendimento libero.

Riferimenti bibliografici per le lezioni svolte nel corso:

  • J. J. Faran Jr e R. Hills Jr, Correlators for signal reception, in Office of Naval Research (contract n5 ori-76 project order x technical memorandum no. 27), Cambridge, Massachusetts, Acoustics Research Laboratory Division of Applied Science Harvard University, 1952.

  • J. J. Faran Jr e R.Hills Jr, The application of correlation techniques to acoustic receiving systems, in Office of Naval Research (contract n5 ori-76 project order x technical memorandum no. 28), Cambridge, Massachusetts, Acoustics Research Laboratory Division of Applied Science Harvard University, 1952.

  • R. J. Urick, Principles of underwater sound, 3ª ed., Mc Graw – Hill, 1968.

  • C. Del Turco, La correlazione , Collana scientifica ed. Moderna La Spezia,1993

  • C. Del Turco, Principi ed applicazioni dei metodi di autocorrelazione "Rivista L'Antenna anno XXXII n° 6 1960".

  • C. Del Turco, Sistema di Fasci Acustici per Localizzazione a Coerenza d'Onda Naturale , Direzione Arsenale M.M. di La Spezia, 2002

  • P.J. Davis and P. Rabinowitz, Methods of Numerical Integration, 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press, 1984.

  • F.B. Hildebrand,Introduction to Numerical Analysis, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 319-323, 1956.

  • A.R. Krommer and C.W. Ueberhuber,Numerical Integration on Advanced Computer Systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994.

  • Y.W.Lee-C.A.Stutt ‘’Statistical prediction of noise.’’ Res.Lab. of El.M.I.T July 12/1949

  • Y.W.Lee-T.P.Cheatham-J.B. Wiesner ‘’The application of correlation functions in the detection of small signal in noise.’’ Res.Lab. of El.M.I.T. October 13/1949

  • A.Rakowski ‘’The application of the autocorrelation method to the spectral analysis of sound records.’’ King's College,Newcastle upon Tyne 1960

  • G.Potier ‘’Les lignes a retard et leur utilisation.’’ Imprimeud Librarie 55 Gauthier-Villars Paris 1953

  • G.Korn ‘’Random Process Simulation and Measuraments’’. Mc.Graw-Hill 1966

  • A.G.Lioyd ‘’90 degree phase-difference networks are simply’’. Electronic Design 19 Sept.1976

  • R.B.Dome ‘’Wideband phase shift networks’’. Electronics Dec. 1946

  • P.F.Panter ‘’Modulation noise and spectral analysis’’. McGraw.Hill 1965

  • Karman e Biot ‘’Metodi matematici nell'ingegneria.’’ Einaudi, 1951

  • G.Cariolario ‘’Teoria dei segnali-Parte 1. Coop.Libraria Editrice Clemp

  • A.I.Zverev ‘’Handbook of filter synthesis’’. J.Wiley-Sons 1967

  • A.Papoulis ‘’The Fourier Integral and its Applications’’. McGraw.Hill 1962

  • Melvin J.Jacobson ‘’Analysis a multiple receiver correlation system.’’ J.A.S.A Vol.29 n.12 Dec.1957