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- it decentralized. When Americans decided to create this communication system they did it mainly for the military reasons. They already knew that if you...106 byte (606 parole) - 22:27, 18 giu 2017
- (though not too hard) CSS techniques. If you can improve on the design (shouldn't be too hard!) without increasing the difficulty of this challenge, great...107 byte (2 040 parole) - 14:34, 19 mar 2017
- the wire has too much traffic on it at the moment of time this can be put there in this field so then routers might be able to search for other routs to...106 byte (932 parole) - 22:31, 18 giu 2017
- content/Problem setting for web content formats Modifica l'indice Mooc Obiettivi di apprendimento Video Script Quiz Ulteriori letture Discussione In this lesson you...70 byte (1 427 parole) - 20:46, 20 gen 2017
- innerHTML = "User name is too short. Please enter at least 3 characters."; } else { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera...106 byte (1 206 parole) - 15:36, 18 mar 2017
- settembre 2018. ^ (EN) Emine Saner, From Posh to classy: how Victoria Beckham won over fashion world, su the Guardian, 20 novembre 2015. URL consultato
- the west. Over Cambridge. Where Susan lived. After the rain lifted, the world would probably seem as freshly washed as I was. The cleanliness was almost