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Web Science/Part1: Foundations of the web/Web content

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Web content

Obiettivi di apprendimento

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Unità associate

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  1. In this lesson you will learn some basics on the Question: Why Web Content needs structure and proper markup.
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  • Understand the Domain Object Model and the DOM tree
  • Understand that HTML is just a special dialect of XML
  • Understand the relationship between HTML and XML
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  • Be able to write simple HTML code having learned a few example elements of HTML (headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, links, anchors, emphasize, input fields; but also few dirty ones like italics, color,...)
  • See that HTML really is just another simple mark up and has nothing to do with programming
  • Be able to structure web Content using HTML and create pages following a specified structure.
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  • Know about the style attribute and how to use it within HTML elements
  • Know already realize that there are some limits using the style attribute
  • be able to create websites that follow a certain style guide
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  • See the problems with inline styles
  • Understand that a style sheet gives you freedom
  • being able to explain people why they should use style sheets
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  • be able to name at least 2 important point why to use style sheets
  • know how the cascading process works
  • know the basic syntax of cascading stylesheets
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  • know how to include a media file like a graphic to your webpage.
  • understand that images like jpg, gif and bitmaps are hard for machines to understand.
  • Know how to use a XML based format to create images that are easy to understand for machines and humans an can even make use of stylesheets.
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  • Understand that metadata is necessary to communicate the semantics of content
  • See that using metadata for ranking in search results is a bad idea
  • get introduced to modern ways of publishing media data as RDFa
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  • Understand the separation between content, structure, layout and meta data
  • Review HTML, CSS, XML, SVG and RDFa
  • Understand what makes a clean HTML markup ("separation of concerns") vs. unclean one ("mixing responsibilities"); and implications (better or worse maintenance, better or worse personalization, better or worse accessibility)
  • Ulteriori letture

    nessuna ulteriore lettura
    Tu puoi definire un'ulteriore lettura qui.
    In generale puoi usare il bottone di modifica nell'angolo alto in a destra di una sezione per modificarne il contenuto.
