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Futuro be going to (scuola media)

Da Wikiversità, l'apprendimento libero.
Futuro be going to (scuola media)
Tipo di risorsa Tipo: lezione
Materia di appartenenza Materia: Lingua inglese per la scuola media 3
Avanzamento Avanzamento: lezione completa al 00%

Forma affermativa


SOGG.+ VERBO ESSERE (coniugato) + GOING TO + VERBO (infinito)

Tomorrow I am going to do shopping.
Tomorrow you are going to make a cake.
Tomorrow he/she is going to go to school.
Tomorrow we are going to do homework.
Tomorrow you are going to study.
Tomorrow they are going to play tennis.

Forma negativa


SOGG.+ VERBO ESSERE (coniugato) NEGATIVO + GOING TO + VERBO (infinito)

Tomorrow I am not going to do shopping.
Tomorrow you aren't going to make a cake.
Tomorrow he/she isn't going to go to school.
Tomorrow we aren't going to do homework.
Tomorrow you aren't going to study.
Tomorrow they aren't going to play tennis.

Forma interrogativa e risposta


VERBO ESSERE(coniugato)+SOGG.+GOING TO+VERBO(infinito)

Am I going to stay in a hotel?
Is she/he going to swim in the see?
Are we/you/they going to take pictures?
Yes, I am./No, I'm not.
Yes, she/he is./No, she/he isn't.
Yes, we/you/they are./No, we/you/they aren't.